Week 7

Day 51, August 10 55 miles, Umatilla, OR Today we once again left town and ventured into what looked like a desert. As we rode west into the countryside, we were met with a slight cooling breeze in the early morning. The early departures usually makes for cooler temperatures and mild winds. As we wound our way southwest, we entered ...

Week 6

Day 37, July 27 rest day, Missoula, MT Today was a rest day in Missoula. Day 38, July 28 rest day, Missoula, MT Today, we visited the Adventure Cycling headquarters in Missoula. In 1976, I saw an article from a 1973 National Geographic magazine featuring a story about Greg Siple and 3 others who cycled from Alaska to Missoula, MT. ...

Week 5

Day 30, July 20 80 miles Livingston, MT Today was a nice start and no wind. It’s amazing how much wind plays a factor in travel in the west. This must have affected people over a hundred years ago as well as movement under human power is what we share. A trip for us can double or be halved in ...

Week 4

Week 4 Question: Recently, we spoke to Kevin Locke from the Standing Rock Reservation in South Dakota. This is the location of the Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux, the band where the famous chief, Sitting Bull hails from. Kevin is working on the Lakota language project to ensure the legacy and continuing existence of the Lakota Sioux language. This is a critical ...

Week 3

 Day 15, July 5 67 miles, Gettysburg, SD The day started off cool and clear and beautiful. We followed the Missouri River north past the Corps of Engineers dam and along Lake Oahe. The Missouri is the major water source that divides the state of South Dakota in half and it is a major influence on the state’s weather and ...

Week 2

Day 8, June 27 rest day, Mankato, MN Day 9, June 28 54 miles, Springfield, MN Last night’s camp in Mankato saw a severe thunder storm hit about 2am. The tents took in water and we had to hold down the poles in the high wind. Everything got soaked so we tried to dry out a bit before we got ...

Week 1

Planting the 3 sisters- corn, squash, and beans. We will carry these seeds of growth and tolerance to Portland, Oregon. Day 1, June 20 after, Indian Boundary Park We left this morning at 7 and it ended being a 12 hour day through very hilly but beautiful countryside. Moving through northwest Illinois, we ran into late day thunderstorms. Lightening hitting ...

Crossing The Great Divide, Landscape and Memory

We invite people beginning: 5:00PM, 6/19/15, to meet at Rogers Avenue and the Lake and bicycle 2 miles to Indian Boundary Park, 2500 W Lunt Ave, Chicago, IL for a ride and talk. On June 19, 2015 at Indian Boundary Park, Chicago we will hold our launch/performance opening and presentation to kick off a 2 month, 3000 mile landscape project ...






